Heaven’s Water
“Hurry, we’ll be late,” the woodchuck brothers whispered to the rabbit family.
“The Master is waiting. We don’t want to be late.”
“I know. Where is Squirrelly?”
“He said he was to tired to come again this morning.”
“Too tired to meet the Master? To drink his Living Water?”
“Yeah. He was out late last night.”
“I feel terrible. He’s missing the presence of our Master. He’ll regret it, I’m sure.”
“I know, but he has to choose to come. We can’t make him and our Master wants those who love him to come.”
The sun filtering through the tall oaks created patterns of beauty on the ground. They were entering the Master’s Presence on plush green moss. The leaves on the cool carpet were filled with freshwater, waiting for them to come and accept the free gift.
They drank every drop from the colorful dishes. They felt renewed strength and peace fill each heart and mind.
“I’m so sorry Squirrelly didn’t come,” they chorused. “He’ll come tomorrow we’re sure… probably, maybe.”
“Tomorrow is too late. There will never be another day like today.”
”Why, Master?”
“I have given you many days to drink, but the day is here when there will be no more water. The ones who have been filled will live; the others will not,” He paused. “You have invited him many times. I love Squirrelly, but he chose not to come.”
A gentle breeze licked the empty leaves dry. The Master’s presence, gone.
The animals and birds, the bugs and worms, slowly went their way. Soft sobbing and sniffles could be heard. “Poor Squirrelly. How do we tell him it’s too late?"
Deeper into the woodland, Squirrelly woke from his sleep. He climbed out into the morning sun. Just passing by, a large Shadow passed the tree. “Good Morning,” Squirrely called out to the strange thing.
It stopped, waiting.
Squirrelly asked, “Who are you?“
“I am THE MASTER you didn’t want to meet.”
Squirrelly squirmed and said, “I’m sorry. I really wanted to, but I didn’t wake up.” He skittered down the tree. “Why did they want me to meet you?”
“I am Living Water; your life would never be the same if drink from me.”
“I want that!” Squirrelly said. “How do I get this water?”
‘“Just believe I am who I say I am. Believe with all your heart.”
“I do believe.”
“Ask me to come into your life and save you from all your wrongs, Squirrelly, and I will.”
“Oh, yes, I do ask.”
The shadow disappeared.
Squirrelly ran in the directions of his friends, jumping, laughing, at the peace he felt. He knew his life had changed by drinking Heaven’s Water.